Expert Guidance from Your Trusted Anxiety Coach and Author
The first steps include acknowledging assessing your fears, symptoms, triggers and be kind to yourself. Seek guidance from professionals that have worked specifically with anxiety. The more knowledge you gather, the better recovery will go. Learn relaxation techniques and mindfulness to counteract the impact of anxiety on the body. Our Anxiety Coaches provide personalized skills and exercises to assist your recovery journey.
An Anxiety Coach specializes in providing support, strategies, and education to manage anxiety effectively. This program was developed by Barbara, who personally experienced anxiety and panic attacks for over 15 years. Drawing from her own journey, she created this program to support and guide others facing similar challenges.
See Chapter 12 of Anxiety and Panic - Your Path to Recovery book, it deals with specific strategies on what to do during a panic attacks.
While anxiety may not be 'cured' in the traditional sense, it can be effectively managed and you can reclaim your life. Once you learn to calm yourself down, it will not matter where you are or what triggers you have, you will always carry the ability to calm your anxiety and panic.
YES! As people learn and practice calm skills, they experience less and less anxiety, panic and what if thinking. It does not matter if you have had anxiety for 1 year or 40 years. It's impossible to be anxious and calm at the same time. Our Anxiety Coach works closely with you to track progress and adjust strategies as needed.
Absolutely, mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for calming the mind chatter and quieting the body. Anxiety and Panic Solutions offers training in these practices to help you in becoming and maintaining a calm lifestyle.
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Online Anxiety Therapist offering Anxiety, Panic Attack Coaching, Stress Management, and more across the USA, including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Dallas.