Anxiety Therapy Chicago Anxiety Therapy Chicago

Find Your Path To Recovery With Anxiety Coaching.

Discover how to regain control of your life with our skilled anxiety coach/counselor, Barbara Spaulding LCSW Anxiety and Panic Solutions.

Begin Your Journey Now

Free Guide: Conquer Anxiety & Reclaim Your Life with Expert Anxiety Coaching

Dive into our comprehensive guide packed with actionable tips and insights on overcoming anxiety. Don't miss out on creating a life of calm.

Read Our Guide Now

Read Our Guide Now

Step-by-Step Anxiety Recovery Skills

Our anxiety coach offers personalized strategies and exercises to build your foundation of calm. Experience an evidence-based approach to reclaiming your life from anxiety.

Anxiety Therapist Chicago

"Since starting my sessions, I've felt more in control and less overwhelmed. A life-changing experience!"

– Emily R.

Anxiety Therapy Chicago
Anxiety Therapist Chicago

Expert-Led Anxiety Support Group

Participate in a 6-week support group to acquire essential skills for overcoming anxiety and panic. Experience empowering, safe sessions with a money-back guarantee.

Anxiety Therapist Chicago

"The skills I learned have significantly improved my daily life. Absolutely recommend their workshops!"

– John D.

Overcome Anxiety & Panic with Support and Guidance

As a dedicated anxiety coach and an accomplished author, Barbara Spaulding is committed to providing continuous support and guidance on your path to overcoming anxiety. 

Anxiety Therapist Chicago

"The continuous support from my coach made all the difference. I feel like I can face anything now."

– Sarah L.

Anxiety Therapist Chicago

Online Anxiety Coach offering Anxiety, Panic Attack Coaching, Stress Management.